The Seven Toddler Challenge

Originally started in another thread. Ever since I read it, I've been obsessed with doing this challenge over and over. It's really fun, actually, and once the toddlers turn into teens you've got all sorts of boy/girl toys for your romance teen!

Warning: This is a hard challenge! I am a complete Sims addict and I didn't think it was possible the first time. This is for those people that really don't find the game challenging any more and need something tough to keep them busy.

Instructions :

In Create-A-Sim, make one adult and seven toddlers. They can be any gender, race, personality, whatever. Just make seven toddlers and be sure they're children of the adult. Move them into a lot. You can pick any one you want, but I would highly recommend using the smallest lot you can and building as you go along. Now comes the hard part: No cheats. No nanny. You have to get the toddlers to grow up without the social worker coming. (Hey, I said it was hard!)

Rules :

Absolutely NO cheats
No nannies


The challenge is really about just surviving toddlerhood and childhood. I can add a points system if enough people even feel like trying it, but as of right now I think it's pretty impressive just to finish.


* It helps if your adult is a family sim. It's much easier to get in platinum this way.

* When feeding your kids, cancel the action before the adult hands the bottle to the toddler. If she drops it on the ground, the toddler can crawl to it and the adult wastes less time.

* After the first few hours, all you will probably want to worry about are social and hunger.   Those are the only things that get the toddler taken away.

* Changing a toddler's diaper gives them a big social boost.

* If two toddlers play with the doll house together, they will get social points.

* The dorm refrigerator doesn't have bottles in it.

* Say hi to anyone walking by. Once you greet them, the toddlers can ask them for attention. This leaves your poor adult to get some much-needed rest.

* Active sims need less sleep than lazy ones.

Childhood :

This is its own section because it's not necessary to keep going once the toddlers grow up. If you do, though, you will find that it's almost harder than when they were toddlers! Money is a huge issue. The only way to really make it is through painting, playing instruments, and the counterfeit machine. It's best to keep your kids in public school, so if any chance cards come up they will give you money instead of skills.

That's it! If I left anything out, let me know. I'll do one of these tonight and post screenshots. It IS possible and it's really fun!

If you are the creator of this challenge, please contact me contact me so that I can give you proper credit.

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