Armand DeBateau
Armand DeBateau

Aspiration: Family

Sign: Aquarius

Degree: None

Career: Business

Position: Business Tycoon

Predestined Hobby: Unknown

Lifetime Aspiration: Reach Golden Anniversary (Not Met)


Parents: Beaumont DeBateau, Melanie Antross

Siblings: None

Spouse(s): Jessica Peterson (divorced)

Children: None

Adoptive-Children: Tara DeBateau


Armand DeBateau lives, with his daughter, at Cornerstone Condominiums, in the town of Belladonna Cove.

Bio: Business has been good to Armand. He's made riches and been able to afford everything he's ever wanted, including the best schools for his daughter.

Through The Years

Armand DeBateau