Chastity Gere
Chastity Gere

Aspiration: Romance

Sign: Virgo

Degree: None

Career: Business

Position: Executive Assistant

Predestined Hobby: Unknown

Lifetime Aspiration: Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers (Not Met)


Parents: Inigo Gere, Gwendolyn Wacea

Siblings: None

Spouse(s): None

Children: None


Chastity Gere lives, with his roommate, Gabriel Green, at 108 Bella Park Road, in the town of Belladonna Cove.

Bio: The only book Chastity is interested in is the book of love. Her job as an executive assisant satisfies her drive for success and gives her plenty of opportunity for liaison. Chastity just loves love.

Through The Years

Chastity Gere