Marcel Lindstrom
Marcel Lindstrom

Aspiration: Fortune

Sign: Capricorn

Degree: Political Science

Career: Adventurer

Position: Multiregional Sim of Some Question

Lifetime Aspiration: Become Space Pirate (Not Met)


Full Name: Marcel Raymond Lindstrom

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: None

Spouse(s): Joelle Holland

Children: Aurora Lindstrom, Marcella Lindstrom Twins!, Meredith Lindstrom Twins!


Marcel Lindstrom currently lives, with his wife and daughters, at 35 King Street in Scion City.

Extended Family

Grandparents: Russell Holland, Jaiden Thayer

Great-Grandparents: Claude Holland, Michelle Reeves

Aunts or Uncles: Brenna & Samuel Stompel

First Cousins: Jada Stompel, Portia Stompel, Nora Belle Stompel

In-Laws: None

Brother- or Sister-in-Laws: None

Nieces or Nephews: None

This Sim is a member of the Holland Family.

Through The Years

Marcel Lindstrom