Maxis Family Ancestors

The Lothario Family

Surnames associated with the Lotharios: Fiorello, Lothario.

When you start the game, Don Lothario is engaged to heiress Cassandra Goth and is rumored to have had a part in her mother, Bella's, disapperance. On the side, he's also having affairs with his old girlfriend, Nina Caliente, and maid, Kaylynn Langerak. Though starting quite a legacy himself, Don also comes from a rich heritage.

Significant Lotharios

Don Lothario

Don Lothario is the only child of Nicolo and Adriana (née Fiorello) Lothario, both deceased.

Nicolo (Don's father) is the son of Carmelo and Mama Lothario.

Adriana (Don's mother) is the daughter of Primo and Isabella Fiorello.

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