Maxis Family Ancestors

The Wan Family

Surnames associated with the Wans: Mori, Wan.

The Wan household consists of two people, Patricia Wan and Cleo Shikibu, who are not related. This page documents the ancestry of the homeowner, Patricia Wan. Cleo's ancestry is can be found on the Viejo Ancestry page.

Significant Wans

Patricia Wan

Patricia Wan is the daughter of Tianrong and Kayami (née Mori) Wan.

Tianrong Wan (Patricia's father), is the son of Xiaotien and Mengnuan Wan.

Kayami Mori (Patricia's mother), is the daughter of Yuu and Hana Mori.

Profiles & Outlines

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Profiles (Includes Pictures)

Outlines (Family Trees)

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