Maxis Family Ancestors

The Shikibu & Viejo Families

Surnames associated with the Shikibus & Viejos: Harris, Shikibu, Sutter, Viejo.

The Viejo household, like the Singles household in Strangetown, consists of a number of different people not blood-related. Therefore, this page will list the ancestry for Catherine Viejo and the related Shikibu families only. These two families, who are joined by marriage, are intermingled enough to combine their ancestries into one.

I have set aside a separate page for the Martins, Andrew Martin and his son, Jacob on Martin Ancestry. The ancestry of Betty Goldstein can be viewed on the Roth Ancestry page.

Significant Shikibus & Viejos

Catherine Viejo

Catherine Viejo is the daughter of Henry and Violene (née Harris) Sutter. Henry and Violene also had a daughter, Victoria Sutter (see Wan Ancestry).

Henry Sutter (Catherine's father), is the son of Soloman and Diane Sutter.

Violene Harris (Catherine's mother), is the daughter of Chester and Augusta Harris.

The game does not show Catherine ever being married, so it is a mystery as to how she came by the surname of "Viejo".

Cleo Shikbu

Cleo Shikibu is the daughter of Nobutaka and Victora (née Sutter) Shikibu.

Nobutaka Shikibu (Cleo's father), is the son of Tesuo and Istumi Shikibu.

Victoria Sutter (Cleo's mother), is the daughter of Chester and Augusta Harris. Chester and Augusta had another daughter, Catherine (see above), making Catherine Cleo's aunt.

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