Maxis Family Ancestors

The Singles Family

Surnames associated with the Singles: Beaker, Curious, Loste, Simnitch, Singles, Smith.

All of the four Singles women living in the Singles household have a rich ancestry. Erin is the sister of Loki Beaker, and her heritage can be there (Beaker Ancestry). Chloe and Lola are the daughters of Pollination Technician # 9 (Smith Ancestry) and Glam Curious (Curious Ancestry).

Kristen Singles is the only Sim in the household who doesn't have ties to any other Strangetowners, so it is her family's past that is described here.

Significant Singles

Kristen Singles

Kristen Singles is the daughter of Arty and Daisy (née Simnitch) Loste.

Arty Loste (Kristen's father) is the son of Goshem and Vera Loste.

Daisy Loste (Kristen's mother) is the daughter of Leonard and Petunia Simnitch.

Profiles & Outlines

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Profiles (Includes Pictures)

Outlines (Family Trees)

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